Thursday, February 13, 2014

Georgia Snowpocalypse 2.0 Valentines Day Week

Welcome to my capturing of Georgia's Snowpocalypse 2.0 Valentine's Day Week 2014. Pictures of my neighborhood, backyard, and of course my kiddo. This is my first time using selective coloring with the tool Gimp. The bird photo was done with my telescopic lens. I was really pleased with the turnout. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Night Sky

The big dipper and friends. First, I went and photographed the sky without much thought. I was thinking if I could see it in my lens view that it would work, proving that I am still quite the amateur. Disappointed in my shots, I came inside and briefly searched the internet until I came across "increase your iso" and eureka. I darted back outside with my tripod and camera. And voila, you can see what I saw and more. Its amazing all the light that we can't see with the naked eye because of the light pollution, and this picture is evidence as such. It may not look like much, or it may look like something out of a text book, but I am in awe that tonight I was able to witness the great beauty of the heavens and capture its essence.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Day at the Park and After

My husband chose this from a slew of pictures taken today.

And this is my pic. It could be a bit sharper but I do like the warmth of the photo. <3 p="p">

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Decade of Love

Our ticket stub from 2003 for LOTR: Two Towers and our ticket from tonight the Hobbit. Thanks to Costco our admission was .50 cents less! Notice the time?? We just did! 8:10 back in 2003, and 8:10 2013. Fate!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Playing around with the aperture and shutter speed. I turned the shutter speed ridiculously low (1/8) so that I didn't have to use the flash. The room was fairly dark. Then I turned the aperture to small so that I would gain a lot of depth. His hand looks miles away. LOL. However, I really like how it turned out. I suppose it is a little grainy around the edges of his face where the most light hit. Maybe that is the price you pay slowing down the shutter speed instead of using a flash?

This one I was trying to capture for a while. First of all, my husband has prettier hands than I do. So that is a problem in itself. lol. Anyways, I would like to take a nice photograph of our hands. Should I have used a flash? I am afraid of the flash. Maybe I shouldn't be. I guess I could have tried it to see how it would turn out first before I avoided it all together. I always thought hand photos were very special and sentimental.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013

Welcoming in the New Year with cheap fireworks!

"The Train"

My son on his way to ride the train at the mall. The Train?! The Train!