Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Playing around with the aperture and shutter speed. I turned the shutter speed ridiculously low (1/8) so that I didn't have to use the flash. The room was fairly dark. Then I turned the aperture to small so that I would gain a lot of depth. His hand looks miles away. LOL. However, I really like how it turned out. I suppose it is a little grainy around the edges of his face where the most light hit. Maybe that is the price you pay slowing down the shutter speed instead of using a flash?

This one I was trying to capture for a while. First of all, my husband has prettier hands than I do. So that is a problem in itself. lol. Anyways, I would like to take a nice photograph of our hands. Should I have used a flash? I am afraid of the flash. Maybe I shouldn't be. I guess I could have tried it to see how it would turn out first before I avoided it all together. I always thought hand photos were very special and sentimental.

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